DALL-E API - text-to-image generators to businesses from OpenAI

DALL-E API - text-to-image generators to businesses from OpenAI

OpenAI, the San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research lab, has announced the launch of DALL-E, a new API that enables businesses to generate images from textual descriptions. The DALL-E API is based on OpenAI's text-to-image generator, which was first revealed last year.

The generator uses a 12-billion parameter training version of the GPT-3 transformer model to interpret the natural language inputs and generate corresponding images. According to OpenAI, the DALL-E API can generate "highly detailed" images, including those of "complex real-world scenarios" that are "far beyond the capabilities of current image generation models."

The launch of the DALL-E API comes as OpenAI seeks to commercialize its artificial intelligence technology. Last year, the company raised $1 billion from investors, including Microsoft, Fidelity Investments, and Sequoia Capital.

What is OpenAI?

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc.

The primary goal of OpenAI is to "advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole". OpenAI believes that artificial intelligence should be an extension of individual human intelligence and not replace it.

In order to achieve its goals, OpenAI performs basic and applied research in many areas of artificial intelligence including machine learning, reinforcement learning, robotics, natural language processing, and general artificial intelligence.

What is the DALL-E API?

The DALL-E API is a new artificial intelligence tool from OpenAI that enables businesses to generate images from text descriptions, making it easier and faster to create visual content. The API uses a deep learning algorithm known as a generative adversarial network (GAN), which can learn from data and create new data that is realistic and diverse.

OpenAI launched the DALL-E API to make it easier for businesses to create visuals for their products and services. The company believes the tool will be particularly useful for marketing and advertising, as it can quickly generate realistic images based on text descriptions.

To use the DALL-E API, businesses simply need to send a text description of the image they want to generate, along with some other parameters, such as the desired width and height. The API will then return an image that closely resembles the description.

The DALL-E API is currently in private beta, but OpenAI plans to make it available to all businesses in the near future.

DALL·E API - Public Beta

The DALL-E API is currently in private beta, but OpenAI plans to make it available to all businesses in the near future. The API is based on the company's DALL-E AI system, which was trained on a dataset of 12 billion images.

With the DALL-E API, businesses can simply provide a text description of what they want an image to look like, and the AI system will generate a corresponding image.

The system is able to create images of things that it has never seen before based on the textual description provided. This makes it possible for businesses to quickly generate visual content without having to hire designers or photographers. The DALL-E API is currently in public beta, and OpenAI is working with a number of partners to bring it to more businesses.

How can businesses use the DALL-E API?

The DALL-E API is now available to businesses who want to use it to generate images from text descriptions. This could be used, for example, to create product images from customer descriptions or to generate graphical representations of data.

To use the DALL-E API, businesses will need to first sign up for a free account at OpenAI. Once they have done so, they will be able to access the API and start generating images.

It is important to note that the DALL-E API is still in its early stages, and as such, it is likely that there will be some bugs and limitations. However, OpenAI is continually working to improve the API, and it is anticipated that it will become more reliable and user-friendly over time.

What are some potential applications of the DALL-E API?

The DALL-E API could potentially be used by businesses to generate images for product or service descriptions or to create marketing materials. It could also generate images for social media posts or blog articles.
Some other potential applications for the DALL-E API include:

  • Generating images for educational material
  • Creating illustrations for books or comics
  • Designing characters or environments for video games
  • Building 3D models for architectural visualization
  • Generating product designs for manufacturing

DALL-E's filters do limit the creation of certain images that contain nudity, gore, and politically sensitive material. Customers will be charged by the image created and will be able to choose from three resolutions:

  • 256 x 256 images for $0.016 each;
  • 512 x 512 images for $0.018 each;
  • 1024 x 1024 images for $0.02 each.

For a limited time, DALL-E will offer a rate-limited access to its API to give the company time to ramp up its systems and vet customers using its technology. You can get all those features much cheaper and even with better results simply using Deep-Image.ai AI Generator PRO to create images from text prompt. Create images from other images, drawings, or faces. Many options in a far better UI than DALL-E Those prices are quite expensive If you would like to use AI-generated images on a large format an upscale would be necessary. it will allow the quality and sharpness of details not to be lost. You can do this, for example, on Deep-image.ai.


OpenAI's new DALL-E API is a disappointing tool for businesses that want to create AI-generated images from text. With this launch, OpenAI is making it easier for businesses to create realistic images from textual descriptions, which can be used for various purposes. It's real possibilities came out much worse then the demos, it can not write text correctly, doesn't do that well with multiple objects on one image etc. I highly recommend using our AI Generator PRO instead, which is cheaper, faster, and gives you far more control over output result with better UI.