Grow your own business with API for AI image enhancements and generation services

Take advantage of API connectivity and run your own business in this highly innovative market.

Grow your own business with API for AI image enhancements and generation services

Now is the best time ever to start your very own AI business. The industry of Artificial Intelligence is fresh, new, and holds limitless potential for the future improvements and further developments.

We now have the great technology! We managed to harness the AI to do our bidding. And with every single day we are only getting better at it. The list of useful application of Image enhancements AI is not filled up yet, there is still plenty of unexplored areas that hold a big potential for revenue generation. So if you feel like a pioneer, you can actually dominate those new fields, be among the very first who will make the path towards an entirely new market. As an early entrepreneur, you will have less competition and more impact on the shape of a whole market.

Examples of the AI image enhancement business cases that are not fully explored yet at 2024

Upscaling, remastering and generating video game textures.

In the world of sequels, a new king arises. The Remaster! Old games gain second, and third lives thanks to the ability to easily upscale all the textures and improve visual fidelity with minimal changes to the code itself.

Apart from this, you can build variety of in game NPCs by simply generating the same prompt multiple times with slight differences, to get tens of models, each textured with it's own little twist, so they don't look like they just came out of a clone factory.

Utilizing this technique can only help you do a total conversion. The SF saga about lightsabers can be turned into a medieval story about a brave adventurer with some texture reimagining and converting the input media into a completely new style, but keeping the basics intact. So the AI will recognize where the face is, which one is a leg, or hand. And will keep this information, but completely change the style of it.

The upscaling and reimagining can be achieved using our API:

Resize and padding | API Documentation
Here you can find the information about upscaling
Resize and padding | API Documentation
Here I would like to direct your attention towards: adapter_type and "control" parameter, that allows to reimagine a picture while keeping it's original shape.
From text prompt to 3d model

Creating 3d Models with textures for multiple purposes

We've talked about this exact case more here, but to quickly sum it up, you can generate images and use them as a foundation for another AI tool to generate fully textured 3D models. Such models can be easily used in architecture plans, video games, 3D artwork, scene building, VFX for TV and movie industry, and much more. The potential is gigantic, and the whole industry is barely explored yet.

How to turn 2d images into 3d models using AI?
Learn how to prepare a 3D model from a static, 2d image in a few simple steps.
We highly recommend checking the whole article on that interesting topic.

AI powered makeup and hair stylizer

Changing the hair color, cutting the hair you've been growing for multiple years, those might be a very serious decisions. So wouldn't it be nice to check how we might look like after we do it, without actually touching your hair?

Artificial Intelligence can help and be your assistant in stylisation. You could easily check how will you look in a wedding makeup, or as a goth. If you ever wondered if green hair will fit you, you can just check. This kind of service has a big value, brings required information, while at the same time carries relatively low risk. If something goes wrong, nobody gets hurt, which is also important.

If you thinking about creating such platform or application, you can use our API for it, and utilize the Avatars feature.

Image generation | API Documentation
look for adapter_type "face"

True and Tested Businesses boosted by Visual AI Models

Although relatively new, there are a few things that are looked for. I would call them high demand products and services. In deep-image we treat them as "classics". The core of our existence, most crucial, valuable and needed by customers worldwide. Those markets are better developed, but also more saturated by competition that really steps on your toes constantly. It's a bit demanding but the customer base volumes are tested and confirmed. And those are also the kind of customers who have business needs and are ready to make a payment for good quality service.

Image Upscaling and Generative Upscaling services

Photo upscalling is the bread and butter of the whole industry. There is a big demand for this kind of services. For multiple reasons. Lot's of people still posses older photos, from times when digital cameras didn't have so big resolutions. Also as an effect of saving on storaging, many old images are very compressed, downsized and optimized to make them lighter and take less space on servers, hard drives and computers. Those photos can now be upscaled without losing quality, and even improving overall quality of the photo. This upscaling can make it possible, to have sharp and high DPI prints out of some older photos that didn't really qualify before for big size prints.

Many big companies with their huge websites having tens of thousands subpages maintain their sites for dekades now. They have media, that are impossible to reproduce now, because for example photos of the very first production hall of the company, that you moved on from long time ago. They were important milestones in the company history, and many team members might need photos of that in high quality, to be able to use it in marketing assets and social media communication. Big companies usually posses ridiculously big archives of older media, but the modern team can't use them due to low quality. Image and photo upscaling resolves this problem.

Also a photographer, who at home realized that he was standing a little bit too far from the object. He/she can still upscale the photo 2, 3, even 4 times and crop it the way is needed and nobody will ever notice.

There are some differences and different use cases between Upscale and Generative Upscale. Regardless which one you decide to use (maybe both?), you can find some API details by following the link below:

Resize and padding | API Documentation
On the left shoes with plain background, and on the right the background generated to look like forest moss

Background Removal, Background generation and object cropping for eCommerce

eCommerce is the Behemoth when it comes to the market size for AI powered tools. The big advantage is that, AI image enhancements actually resolve quite a lot of online shop problems. Very often eCommerce owners have thousands of photos for their products. Many of them are a bit old, and need uplifting. Everyone is aware that beautiful photos help sell the products very effectively.

AI solutions help enhance product photos, improve their resolution, sharpness and lighting. Particularly features allow users to reposition the products on the photo. After uplifting, they can remove the background, swap it for a solid color of choice, keep the background transparent, or generate completely new background from one of the presets, or a custom prompt that will be unique for their specific brand.

This is a very popular service, with high demand, and highly competitive. Apart from delivering a good service, you need to support your customers and make sure they can easily perform all needed actions and it's enjoyable to do, and not a chore.

Background processing | API Documentation
Here you can find all the API calls needed to provide a service of background removal, and generation for ecommerce.
Example of Business Photos generated with

Business Photo Headshot and Avatars

This is an extremely popular topic right now and in our estimates, especially the Business Photo part, has at least few more years of promising growth. Those people, who are in a desperate need of a new job, are in no position to afford a professional photographer to take a photo for them. More! Quite often they could not afford the clothes that would make them good on a photo. And while this is often checked, required when applying for a job, later on the work reality is that we sit at home working remotely with pants off. This service is providing something many people need for a fraction of the cost and is an obvious choice for many.

Avatar Generator itself can satisfy a person's curiosity to learn for example "how would I look like as a police officer, or a fire fighter". But also can be an element of a fun summary of a summer camp. Highlight on company event, creative way to display employees on the team page on a corporations website.

You could even put avatar generator as a part of an automated fortune teller, that would connect AI chat to tell the user their future based on connotation of planets, and produce a photo of who they may become in the future (all of that with a tongue in cheek, without being too serious about it).

Parents could Create an image of their child as a little super hero and hang it at home. There are hundreds of ideas to use this functionality. And all of that can be also done via API:

Image generation | API Documentation
Look for adapter_type "face" and parameter "face_id" to use Avatars through API.