How to correctly spell And how to come up with a good name for your business?

A few words of advice for a good name for your Business. Based on our own experience with

How to correctly spell And how to come up with a good name for your business?

With a new business comes a new name for it. And I will be completely honest with you, the name does not always matter. And often is less important than most people assume. Usually, it's a great product or service, that builds your authority, and brand. And not the name. People learn the name of the business, because there is some real value behind it.

When the business name matters then?

A business name is especially important when you want to go for a long run. And you think about your business with decades in mind. Changing a name in the middle of the road might mean that you will build the brand again from scratch almost.

  • It's important that your company name is not confusing. Everyone is constantly bombarded by far too much information from hundreds of channels. Nobody will have time or attention to appreciate your clever word game if the name doesn't clearly state what to expect.
  • The name should be easy and pleasant to say out loud. Imagine you give your dog a very weird and long name, and later on a walk you need to call your dog. But you are ashamed to call in front of all those people in the park "fluffypuffs, come here!". Due to extreme shame, you didn't call your dog, now you have no dog. A tragedy. When you consider various names, always try to imagine a scene, where two people talk to each other and one say "where did you buy it?", and the other replies "I bought it at XXXX". Will that sound natural? Will it be easy to pronounce?
  • If your main sales channel is online, then it's extremely important to make your name easy to spell. What's the benefit of all the people knowing the name of your company, if a minute later, they sit down in front of a computer and cannot correctly spell your name and in consequence, can't find your products. This is the kind of a mistake that we partially did with Deep-Image.AI and would love you to avoid it. Our name has more than one way to spell it down. And it's not good for us. We would be far better of if our name had only one obvious way to spell it. Learn from our mistakes, instead of making your own. Even if your mistakes would be better.

We have this, a bit of unfortunate, circumstance where our domain name has a specific look, and when you pass over the name verbally, it sounds "Deep Image AI" without the needed details. It's a bit tough for us, as we would love to be easily found through search engines, so to make things clear, I will list below all the popular versions of how users call us:

All images in this blog article were created using our AI Generator PRO 

Is it DeepImage?

This is how our name looks on the logo. And it is correct. Although the website address is and from a language perspective we should probably say Deep Image. Which is understandable. And the name has a good context, as we indeed process images on a deep level.

There are plenty of fish in the sea, but there is only one true!

Is it Deep AI?

It's not Deep AI at all :-). We are Deep Image. So there is a word 'Image' missing in this context. That doesn't stop you from writing exactly this phrase to find us. Witch is ok, but you would find us faster by writing Deep Image. And of course the fastest way is to simply drop the web address directly in your browser:

Is it Keep Image AI?

Although you get to keep all the images you generate or enhance with us, we are not called a "Keep Image AI". It sounds close though! We are Deep Image AI would work better in our opinion. Thank you for your endless creativity though!

Is it Deep Image?

Yes. We think it's a good everyday name for most situations:
- How did you make that photo?
- I used a photo of my face, and made an avatar using Deep Image.

It sounds natural. The name has a lot of information in it. And it gives you some hint of what to expect from a place called Deep Image. In verbal conversations calling us Deep Image is great. While in writing, more informative would be to simply use the web address: This address truly reflects our core service. Artificial Intelligence that's at work to deeply analyze and enhance your images. It all makes sense.

Is it Beep Image?

Beep Beep Beep, nope. It is Deep Image. To be more precise it is It really made us laugh though. Beep Image sounds fun. Like a platform that makes beeping images. If we had some sort of media generator that was making an images with sound effects, that would be a perfect name for it.

Is it Deep Nude?

No, no, no! In no circumstances we are not Deep Nude. Never were and never will. is focusing on helping people who work with photos, and images. We help upscale (not enlarge) images, and photos. We can help with image generation and yes, our policy is more relaxed for image generation than some of the main players in the game. But we are not promoting, or encouraging nudity and anything related.

Is it AI Image Deep?

The words are correct, it's just their order that's out of place. We would need to rearrange them to make the kind of sense we are looking for. So Instead of AI Image Deep, we would go for Or just Deep Image.

Is it Deep-Image-AI or DeepImageAI?

This is exactly why it's so important to come up with a good and simple name. Because we have '-' in our name, it makes it that much more difficult. Someone can write deep-image-ai if he hears that there is '-' (hyphen), someone can put it in too many places, or not put it at all and both versions will be incorrect. The worst case scenario is that someone might know your name, but still could not find you online. Our name is and neither of the above doesn't hit the spot. Please have this in mind when coming up with your own name for a business. Hyphen is generally problematic, and I would recommend to just avoid it whenever possible.

Is it Deepware Image?

No, Deepware is a service that can help you establish if a video is real or fake. But that's a completely different company. It has a cool product though, but if you were looking for Deepware and came to then unfortunately we do not provide the services they do. But we provide a lot of other stuff that you might find useful.

Is it Deep Photo?

Deep Photo would make sense as a name for our company. But we decided to call it as Image has a bigger reach. All photos can be found under the Image definition, but not all images are photos. Apart from photos, you can upscale, enhance etc. also illustrations, logos, paintings, drawings, and many other types of visual files, which not always are photos.

Why then?

With all pros and cons considered, we find our name quite informative. Helpful when someone is trying to grasp our core business products/services. It's generally easy to make some predictions, based on a name alone, of what one can expect when visiting And it's quite important, especially in a market that is so saturated and extremely competitive like the image enhancement industry.