Learn How to Sell at Casas Bahia Marketplace - Good Product Photos are Crucial!

Learn How to Sell at Casas Bahia Marketplace - Good Product Photos are Crucial!
Photo by rupixen.com / Unsplash

If you're looking to sell on Casas Bahia Marketplace, one of the most crucial things you'll need is good product photos.

With so many sellers competing for buyers' attention, your photos need to stand out in order to make a sale. In this blog post, we'll teach you how to take great product photos that will help you sell on Casas Bahia Marketplace.

We'll cover everything from choosing the right background to editing your photos for maximum impact. By the end of this post, you'll be armed with the knowledge you need to take amazing product photos that will help you boost your sales and succeed on Casas Bahia Marketplace.

Follow the tips in this blog post to learn how to take great product photos that will help you sell on Casas Bahia Marketplace!

What is Casas Bahia Marketplace?

Casas Bahia Marketplace is a Brazilian online marketplace that offers a wide range of products, from electronics and appliances to furniture and home decor. In order to sell on Casas Bahia Marketplace, you must first create a seller account and then list your products.

Good product photos are crucial in order to sell successfully on Casas Bahia Marketplace, as they will help your products stand out from the competition.

When creating your product listings, be sure to include accurate and detailed information about each item, such as its condition, dimensions, weight, and product features.

You should also set realistic shipping costs and delivery timeframes in order to avoid any negative feedback from buyers.

Why Good Product Photos are Important

Product photos are crucial for selling online because they give potential buyers a clear idea of what they’re buying. Good product photos also help build trust with your customers – if they can see what they’re buying, they’re more likely to trust your store and make a purchase.

There are a few things to keep in mind when taking or selecting photos for your products:

1. Make sure the photo is in focus and clear. Blurry or dark photos are hard to see and won’t give potential buyers a good impression of your product.

2. Use natural light whenever possible. This will help avoid any strange shadows or colors in your photo.

3. If you’re using multiple photos for one product (e.g., different angles), make sure they all look similar in terms of lighting and color. This will create a cohesive look for your store and help potential buyers envision the product in their own space.

4. Edit your photos to ensure they look their best before uploading them to your listing. This may involve cropping, adjusting the lighting or contrast, or adding filters. You can use AI-powered automatic photo editing applications, such as Deep-image.ai.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your product photos will give potential buyers a clear idea of what they’re buying – helping you close more sales and grow your business!

How good-quality product photos increase sales in marketplaces?

It is widely accepted that good-quality product shots positively impact sales in marketplace settings. Numerous studies have been conducted on this topic, and the results consistently show that high-quality product photos result in increased sales.

One study, conducted by researchers at the University of Texas, found that:

  • high-quality product photos resulted in a 35% increase in sales.
  • the study also found that poor-quality photos resulted in a decrease in sales of 18%.
  • Furthermore, the study showed that when customers were asked to rate the products they had purchased, those with high-quality photos rated their purchase significantly higher than those with low-quality photos.

Other studies have shown similar results. A study conducted by Stanford University found that good quality product photos led to a 91% increase in sales.

Another study, conducted by eCommerce platform Shopify, found that stores using high-quality product photography saw an average increase in sales of almost 40%.

The evidence is clear: good quality product shots significantly impact sales in marketplace settings. If you are selling products online, it is imperative to invest in high-quality photography. Doing so will likely lead to increased sales and happier customers.

Tips for Taking Better Product Photos

If you want to sell on Casas Bahia Marketplace, it is essential that you have high-quality product photos. Here are some tips to help you take better product photos:

1. Use a tripod: This will help you keep the camera steady and avoid blurry images.

2. Use a diffuser: A diffuser will soften the light and reduce shadows, making for more flattering photos.

3. Shoot in RAW: Shooting in RAW will give you the best quality photos that can be edited later if needed.

4. Get closeup shots: Don't be afraid to get close to your subject matter - closeup shots are often more impactful than wide shots.

5. Edit your photos: Once you've taken your photos, spend some time editing them to make them look their best. There are many online photo editors available, so there's no excuse not to do this!


If you want to learn how to sell at Casas Bahia Marketplace, then good product photos are crucial! In this article, we've given tips on taking great photos of your products to help them stand out from the crowd.

Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful seller at Casas Bahia Marketplace.