- 7 tips for Maximizing the quality of your Selling Product Photos - 7 tips for Maximizing the quality of your Selling Product Photos

As an online seller,  you should know that product photos are one of the most important tools in your arsenal.

They are often the first thing potential customers will see, and they can make or break a sale. With that in mind, you know that it’s important to make sure your product photos are high-quality and able to show off your products in the best light possible.

In this article you will find seven tips for maximizing the quality of your selling product photos.

What is is an Indonesian e-commerce company founded in 2009 by Indonesian entrepreneurs. It is one of the country's largest online marketplaces, with over 100 million products and services listed on the site. The company has raised over $1 billion in funding from investors such as Sequoia Capital, SoftBank Group, and Goldman Sachs. allows users to sell products and services online. The site offers a wide range of products and services, including electronics, fashion, health and beauty, home and garden, kids and babies, sports and outdoors, travel, and more. Users can also find businesses selling services such as car rental, restaurants, hotels, and more.

The site offers a number of features to help users maximize their selling potential. These include:

- allowing businesses to list their products and services for free
- providing a wide range of categories to choose from
- offering discounts and coupons to users
- featuring product reviews and ratings from other users
- providing customer support via telephone, email, or live chat
- offering a mobile app for iOS and Android devices

Maximize the 5 photo slots provided by for product photos from various angles

When it comes to product photos, offers sellers 5 photo slots to fill with images from various angles. Here are some tips on how to make the most of these slots and showcase your products in the best light possible:

  1. Use high-quality images that are clear and well-lit. This will help potential buyers get a good sense of what your product looks like and help them make a decision.
  2. Besides photos of the product, consider adding close-ups of any interesting details or features. This can help highlight what makes your product special and unique.
  3. If you have multiple products for sale, use one or two of the photo slots to show them off together. This can give buyers an idea of how they might be used in real life and helps give a sense of scale.
  4. Get creative with your angles! Don’t just stick to traditional head-on shots – try showing your products from different perspectives to really show them off.
  5. Finally, remember that less is sometimes more. If you have too many photos, it can be overwhelming for potential buyers so try to focus on quality over quantity.

Use square photo dimensions

When it comes to product photos, the dimensions of your images are important. Make sure to use square photo dimensions (1000x1000 pixels) for your product photos on

This will help ensure that your photos are clear and sharp, and will also help make them more visible on the site.

Product photos with a white/plain background

Product photos are one of the key elements in selling online, but they can be difficult to get right. A simple way to make sure your product photos look their best is to use a white or plain background. This will help your products stand out and make them look more professional.

There are a few things to keep in mind when taking photos with a white background:

  1. Make sure the background is completely white. Any other colors will distract from the product.
  2. Use a light source that illuminates the product evenly. Shadows can make products look less appealing.
  3. Avoid reflections by using a diffuser or shooting in a room with soft lighting.

    Following these tips, you can be sure that your product photos will look great and help you sell more online!

Product photos with good lighting

Good lighting is one of the most important aspects of taking product photos that will sell. If your photos are too dark, they will be less likely to catch someone's eye as they scroll through listings. Poor lighting can also make products look unappealing or even fake.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your photos have good lighting:

  • Use natural light whenever possible
  • If using artificial light, make sure it is bright enough and not too harsh
  • Avoid using flash unless absolutely necessary

If you want to use product photo editing tools, choose those that produce a natural, sales-friendly effect. One of the best such tools is AI-based photo enhancer optimized for product photography.

Following these simple tips ensures that your product photos have the best chance of selling!

In order for photos to look clear and sharp, make sure the camera lens is clean and avoid using zoom

Assuming you're using a smart phone or digital camera, keeping your lens clean is crucial for taking clear and sharp photos. You can use a microfiber cloth to wipe the lens gently.

Avoid using zoom as it will make your photos less sharp.
If you're using a DSLR camera, you can use a higher aperture setting to get a shallow depth of field, making your photos look clearer and more sharp.

Use models or mannequins for the fashion category

If you are selling fashion items on, it is important to use high-quality photos to show off your products. One way to do this is to use models or mannequins in your photos. This will help potential buyers see how the clothing looks when worn, and can also help them visualize the fit of the clothing.

Another benefit of using models or mannequins in your photos is that it can help give a sense of scale for the clothing. This can be helpful for buyers who are trying to determine if a piece of clothing is the right size for them.

When using models or mannequins in your photos, make sure that they are well-lit and in focus. You should also use a plain background to focus on the clothing itself. With clear and well-done photos, you can help increase the chances of selling your fashion items on!


Now you know, how to get perfect photo of your product and now you can too post it on for the world to see - and buy!

We hope these 7 tips have helped you take your product photos to the next level. At, they understand the importance of high-quality product photos and are here to help you every step of the way.

If you need any assistance with taking or editing your product photos, our team would be more than happy to help. Contact us today to get started!