11+ Online Tools for Marketers that are 2x Better than ChatGPT

I suggest using a combination of different tools for each aspect of marketing.

11+ Online Tools for Marketers that are 2x Better than ChatGPT

Ask the people around you, “What is the best tool for marketing?” I am sure most of them will say ChatGPT. It is undoubtedly good, but I do not consider it the best tool for marketers.

And what is the best tool for marketers? For me, it’s not a single tool; I suggest using a combination of different tools for each aspect of marketing.

That’s what I do to elevate marketing collateral for myself. Instead of using only ChatGPT for all the marketing processes, I take tools that are best for a single aspect of my marketing efforts and get the best out of them.

Then I combine the results to form a single marketing campaign, which is much better than what ChatGPT gives.

In this article, I am describing the combination of tools that I use as a marketer to drive better results. So, let’s have at it:

1. Claude

Content is the king of marketing. The whole marketing effort depends on it. Most people use ChatGPT for content creation, but I prefer Claude AI.

If you search about Claude on Google, you will find that it costs more than ChatGPT. But a little extra does not hurt me when I get much shorter and relevant answers.

Let me augment this claim with an example. I am going to ask the same question from both Claude and ChatGPT to see whose answer is shorter and more relevant.

The question is, “How can I improve my marketing skills?” and the answer by Claude AI is:

Short, simple, and relevant, just the way I like it!

Now let’s see how our beloved OpenAI’s ChatGPT responds to the same questions:

As I expected, the response is in 752 words. What am I going to do with that?

See, the content in marketing is all about relevancy; no customer will be willing to read all that. That is why I prefer Claude AI over ChatGPT to fulfill my content needs.

2. Paragraph Rewriter

I make sure that when my potential customers read my content, they do not feel like a line is out of context or just doesn’t make sense. That happens when a line does not follow the tone of the whole passage. It is common with AI-generated content.

To make sure that my whole content follows a single tone and style, I use this tool, the paragraph rewriter.

Whenever I feel like a line or a paragraph is out of the pattern, I spin it with this tool. It has multiple modes of rewriting, like standard, formal, and fluency. Whatever the tone I am writing in, this paragraph-rewriter.net can match any content with it.

That’s what I was talking about. Why would I waste my time paraphrasing by myself when this tool can do that for free? I just have to open the site, paste my writing, choose the mode, and click “Rewrite.”

If I do that with ChatGPT, I have to train it every time I want to rephrase my content. However, with this tool, the process is much smoother and easier.

3. AI Answer Generator

The next most important thing after content is the target audience. If the readers of my content are not interested in my product, that content is of no use.

So, how would I know my target audience? For this, I use the AI answer generator. Well! I can ask Claude and ChatGPT about it, but it is good to have a second opinion, isn’t it?

Also, the answers are completely free and do not even require signup, so I save time and money, plus the answers are straight to the point.

That’s what I got when I asked the AI answer generator about the target audience of a perfume brand.

That’s exactly what was on my mind. The aianswergenerator.org saves me hours of research on the target audience and their interests.

I ask many other things from this tool, like anything, but mostly I use it for targeting purposes.

4. AI writer tool

The biggest problem I face using ChatGPT is that I have to program it every time I want something out of it.

Not only does it take time but also precision. If my prompt is not up to the point, the response will not be as relevant as I want.

So I started using an alternative, the AI writer tool, which needs to be programmed only once. And when it’s all set, like my voice, my tone, the length, and the type of content, I am good to go.

There are many templates to choose from for each type of content. After choosing a template, I have to set it up, and the AI writer tool will generate content accordingly.

Just look at that! 3 Facebook ads at a time. You can see how easy it was to set up this template; I have programmed it to match my target audience. Now I just have to modify it to suit myself, and then I will upload it to my social media.

5. AI Sentence Rewriter

And to modify any line that I think can be better, I use the AI sentence rewriter. I don’t have to program it as well; just have to choose a tone from the mode options it offers.

This tool, the AI sentence rewriter is also completely free and does not need my personal information for just rewriting my lines. I spin my lines as many times as I want until I think it is just perfect for my ad copy.

Let me show you how:

You see! I have converted a simple paragraph into copy-like content. That’s exactly why I use this sentencerewriter.net. No need to explain what I want, like I have to explain to ChatGPT; just paste the content and choose a mode. Easy as I like!

6. Paragraph Generator

I do not only write copies for marketing, but I also write longer formats, like blogs, articles, and emails. Writing them requires a lot more time than writing copies for social media campaigns.

So, I use a tool that writes lengthy content, the paragraph generator. Yes, I know! I can use ChatGPT for that, but I prefer this tool over ChatGPT.

But why? Let me tell you!

Because I love my time and don’t want to waste it explaining what I want, which I have to do with ChatGPT. But with the paragraphgenerator.org, I just input my requirements and set a tone, and it generates paragraphs for me.

7. Email Maker

E-mail is another longer format of content marketing. But guess what? I don’t have to write it myself or program ChatGPT to do that for me.

I just use another tool for that, the Email maker. It provides me with visually appealing email templates. I choose whichever I like and then edit it to suit my requirements.

Just what I did in the following image:

See! I am not a graphic designer, so I find it very easy to use these templates and get my job done. And if I have to make any changes to the templates, the editor it provides is very simple to operate.

8. Reword Generator

The next tool that I use in my workflow is the reword generator. That is another paraphrasing tool in my combination of tools. And why am I using three different paraphrasing tools?

Because I want the best against my efforts. Using three rephrasing tools offers more options to choose from. I put my content in all three of them and compare the results. What I think sounds best makes it to the final draft.

You can see in the above image that I have used the same paragraph I had used with therewordgenerator.net, and the mode is the same, but the results are different.

So now I will match it with my content and see which one suits better.

9. Poem Generator

Plain text does not work every time. So I have to add some creative work to my writing. Sometimes I have to write poems, stories, and jokes too. It is difficult for me, but it helps engage the readers.

ChatGPT can generate all of these, but I find it very hard to program it according to my needs. That is why I avoid using large language models in most of my tasks in marketing.

I write poems using the poem generator. Because it is much easier to use this tool in comparison to LLMs like ChatGPT. And I can adjust the length and the creativity level of my poems without spending a single penny.

This image represents a poem I have written using this aipoem-generator.com directly for my marketing campaigns. Isn’t it great?

10. Grammar Checker

Whatever I write, whether it is a sales copy, an email, or an article, it has to be free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Otherwise, it will not sound professional.

So what I do to avoid these mistakes is use the grammar checker. It highlights all the mistakes that I overlook.

Let me show you how:

I found the mistakes, and I paid nothing for them. How’s that? Just because of directly using checker-plagiarism.com/grammar-checker.

11. Story Generator

Another creative writing that I have to do for my content is storytelling. I like this one, and most of the time I do it myself.

But sometimes I like to compare my stories so I know if they are as good as I want them to be. And from where do I get the comparison stories?

It’s the story generator.

I just have to provide a topic, no price, no registration, and no prompts. I can control the length and the creativity of the output as well, and after that, I just have to click on the “Generate” button to go on story-generator.com.

The generated stories are very good to compare with, sometimes even better than my own stories. This comparison helps me write better.

12. Deep Image Photo Enhancer

Enhance all your marketing photos and illustrations. Upscale images, remove noise. Generate with text prompts featured images for blog posts, social media, website and marketing materials. Create Avatars as part of a marketing campaign, get customers media enhanced to positively surprise them with the results that exceed the expectations.

Final thoughts

In marketing, the right set of tools can make all the difference. While ChatGPT is widely celebrated, it isn’t necessarily the best fit for every task.

My approach is all about using specialized tools for each aspect of my marketing campaigns, which results in more efficient and tailored content creation.

So, if you're a marketer looking to elevate your strategies, don’t settle for one-size-fits-all solutions. Explore, experiment, and combine tools that work best for you.

After all, a well-rounded toolkit can be your secret weapon in creating standout marketing campaigns that are truly 2x better than what ChatGPT alone can deliver.