#AI News The Lawsuit Against AI for Intellectual Property Theft. 5 Billion Images Used Without Artists' Permission. (Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt) Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field with the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. But as AI becomes more commonplace, so too have the legal implications of its use. This week, legal scholar Matthew Butterick has filed a $5 billion class action suit against Stability AI,
#Digital Art DALL-E API - text-to-image generators to businesses from OpenAI OpenAI, the San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research lab, has announced the launch of DALL-E, a new API that enables businesses to generate images from textual descriptions. The DALL-E API is based on OpenAI's text-to-image generator, which was first revealed last year. The generator uses a 12-billion parameter training
#AI News 1'st Open source AI Image Generator - Stable Diffusion Neural networks are computational models inspired by the brain that are used to approximate complex functions. In recent years, they have become increasingly popular in various fields, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. These days they can also create images which are available as open source for
#Digital Art Using AI image generators to create characters in games - 6 tools to automate work In video games, the characters that players control are a crucial part of the experience. They need to be designed in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for the game's setting, and this can be a time-consuming process for developers. However, new AI image generators
#Digital Art Copyright of AI-generated images - Example of MidJourney & DALL-E When it comes to copyright law, things can get a bit complicated - especially when you throw artificial intelligence into the mix. In this article, we'll explore how copyright law applies to images that are generated by AI, and what that means for creators and businesses who want
#Digital Art Is AI better than Digital Designers? - AI-Generated Artwork took 1'st Place at a State Fair Fine Arts Competition The world of art is one that has long been associated with human creativity and expression. So when an AI-generated artwork won first place at a recent State Fair Fine Arts Competition, many artists were understandably upset. This article explores the implications of this development and what it could mean
#Digital Art Capabilities of AI image generators - New level of Digital Art There is plenty of talk in the tech world about how artificial intelligence (AI) will change the future. One area that could have an impact on our lives, is AI's potential to change the way humans create art. Specifically, images generated by artificial intelligence allow us to bring
#Digital Art NFT on your wall - Digital Art created by AI We are used to seeing images that have been created by artists, but what if we were to see images that had been created by artificial intelligence? This is not just a hypothetical question - AI-generated images are already becoming a reality. In this article, we will take a look
#Digital Art AI Image Generator — Enhance and Generate Awesome Quality Images What is AI Image Generation? AI Image Generation, like MidJourney or DALL·E is a revolutionary technology that empowers artists to tell stories with images and create artwork. The AI Image Generator is a new media tool, that generates art forms digitally by using the available data and algorithms. The
#Digital Art Upscale Your Game’s Textures With Deep Image AI Gaming is one of the fastest-growing industries globally. All the game developers know that requirements for the quality of games have increased significantly. One primary quality index is texture resolution. Textures produce a large part of the in-game visuals applied to 3D objects in a game engine. That’s why